Vocabulary words and contexts written;
- Team
- "huiosthesia".
(Excert from the following Kingdom Nuggets page titled "Our Mount Of Tranfiguration"
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/3074/index.html -
The communion service consists of partaking first the ‘flesh-letter-word’ of Jesus’ Body followed by the ‘blood-Spirit-word’ which is Jesus’ Blood wherein is His Being. The two together reveal the Living Word, the Incarnate Word — Jesus, His name and nature. He said, ‘My words they are spirit and they are life’ (John 6:63). His Life is manifested only after we have taken that life into us. Communion of two people takes place with words and remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it, shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21) . . . what you eat, you become. The whole earth is waiting for the sons to come forth (Romans 8:19). Moses and Elijah, the word declares were talking with Jesus . . . enjoying the reality of communion and not just performing vain repetitions like so many do. It is good to partake of ‘the occasional communion’ until the type and shadow in the letter-word has, by revelation, produced the true continuous communion of walking with Him. Except ye eat My flesh and drink My blood (John 6:54,55 and context), "My life is to be released fully in you to the end that you will be raised up, transfigured and changed into My image".
Matthew 17:4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three taber nacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.
Peter answered . . . who? Who was talking to him? It must have been Jesus including Peter and his two companions in the conversation. There was, of course, no room for the flesh to be dominant, not even Peter’s! Therefore the conversation that Peter was hearing in this created timeless zone, had something to do with the Feast of Tabernacles of the 7th. month, because for that feast, all were expected to construct a simple booth covering so that their own natural identity could be hidden . . . a picture of the flesh having been dealt with by God and thus no longer in sight.
How did Peter and the others recognise Moses and Elijah? They were certainly not around in Peter’s time! They recognized each other IN THE SPIRIT just like we are told to do but find it quite difficult to do it all the time, right? Let us look at II Corinthians 5:16, ‘wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more’.
Even in the natural realm, no farmer will dig up the seed to have another look at it! The seed is planted with an expectation of a harvest from that seed. God is no different for His harvest is to reveal His son in me (Galations 1:16) . . . this done many times over!
Peter’s observation was ignored for it would have brought the proceedings back into the natural realm and it was evident that Jesus was entirely in the spirit realm of heaven on earth.
Matthew 17:5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Please Peter (he represents you and I so often!) don’t interrupt the anointing and what God is doing by a ‘letter word’. God just kept on with this revelation of Himself. ‘A bright cloud overshadowed them’. We shall look at who the ‘them’ included and then at the overshadowing cloud.
Let us read a similar account of this occasion in Luke’s gospel. Luke 9:34 ‘While he thus spake, there came a cloud and overshadowed THEM: and they feared AS THEY ENTERED INTO THE CLOUD.’ So we see that the cloud started by encompassing Moses, Elijah and Jesus. The cloud either expanded and included the three disciples or they were drawn into the cloud to be with the others. Either way the cloud was covering all SIX of them. That is an important conclusion for what follows.
A cloud in scripture represents the very presence of God — whether it be the expression of God leading His people through the wilderness or whether it be the cloud of witnesses of Hebrews 12. It is such a cloud — a bright one due to the glory it contains which Jesus will fully manifest Himself through at the end of this age. On the day of atonement which is a part fo the Feast of Tabernacles, God said that He would appear in the cloud upon the Mercy Seat (Leviticus 16:2). ‘He will come in the clouds of heaven’, says Matthew 24:30), with power and great glory’. Clouds of heaven . . . heaven in the natural does not produce clouds; these clouds are the faith FULL witnesses expressing the fullness of Christ coming from the realm of heaven which is the presence of God.
What happened when Mary was overshadowed in Luke 1:35 ? The result was that she brought forth the Son of the Highest, Jesus. Mary is another picture of the true yielded Church Bride that will bring forth the many-membered Son in the image and likeness of the Creator . . . the many membered Christ — the harvest of the Seed sown (John 12:24). The whole scene on this mountain of transfiguration did not take very long to complete. However it is the desire of the Lord for each one of us to be in the secret place of the Most High and thus abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1) not as a visitor but one who remains there.
A small recap is in order here. Luke 1:32 declares that Jesus was called SON OF THE HIGHEST. In verse 35, Mary was overshadowed by the power of the Highest. Therefore we shall see that the One speaking out of the cloud calling Jesus His Son, would be THE HIGHEST — usually referred to as EL ELYON — the Most High God.
The actual words spoken by The Most High are very important. These words would have meant a lot to the early Church because they understood the background to such phrases. Let me recap for you.
In the east, there is a fairly common ceremony associated with the adoption of a firstborn son by his father. Any lingering thoughts of adoption as pertaining to our day should be quickly discarded. This time of adoption would be like this: A father who had, say, many sons, daughters and servants would be running his affairs efficiently. Through the years his firstborn son would be just the same as the servants obeying the commands of father. The firstborn son however, would be constantly in the presence of his father learning how he did things, how he used his resources and at the same time taking on him the very attributes of his father’s nature. His father would observe the progress and there would come a time when that son would have so matured that the father would know that he could hand over the responsibilities of his affairs to him. He would call a public meeting inviting all the family, relatives, neighbours and business associates. When assembled, he would call his son to come to the platform and he would place his hand on his son’s head and declare the following words: ‘This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Today I adopt him.’ From that moment on, the firstborn son would no longer have to operate as a servant for he would know what was wanted and how to do it. He would have the full resources of his father, his full nature and authority.
In Matthew 3:16+17, Father God brought His Firstborn Son Jesus to a public meeting at the side of the river Jordan. After John had baptized Him, Father spoke, ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him’. Father adopted Jesus at the mature age of 30. From that moment on and not before, Jesus moved with His Father’s full nature, full authority and full resources.
It is most interesting that Matthew also recorded the passage that we are studying. So here in chapter 17 with Jesus at the top of this mountain, the same words are heard. A son cannot be adopted twice!!! So what then is happening here with the bright cloud overshadowing SIX saints? The words used by God show that it is another adoption ceremony but this time He is showing us that there is an adoption ceremony or proceedure for His ‘Harvest-Son’ . . . the many membered Christ made up of those who have been following Jesus around, learning of His ways, His authority and how He uses His boundless resources. We too will need, by yielding to the life-producing word, to be adopted and thus released into the realm of fullness of which the baptism in the Holy Spirit is the downpayment. This corporate adoption takes place after six days when the Feast of Tabernacles is fullfilled in you and I.
The ‘well pleased’ comment, that which gives God pleasure, is usually spoken when the surrounding subject refers to the Kingdom of God or the bringing forth of His mature sons. This is seen in Ephesians 1:5, ‘Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children (mature SONS in the Greek - huiosthesia) by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.’
This expression of real life that was shown to the three disciples in the high place with God, was not to be spoken about until AFTER the resurrection. The veil had to torn first so that the way into the Holiest would be open. What was being demonstrated at the top of the mountain — the ‘Holiest-of-all walk’ —would then become available for ‘whomsoever’. It would be His resurrection life that would be the enabling for such a walk. It would then be ‘their present truth’ that they would be established in.; whether they ‘came back’ like Moses and Elijah or were ‘changed.’
Matthew 17:6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
This corporate adoption takes place after six days when the Feast of Tabernacles is fullfilled in you and I.
The ‘well pleased’ comment, that which gives God pleasure, is usually spoken when the surrounding subject refers to the Kingdom of God or the bringing forth of His mature sons. This is seen in Ephesians 1:5, ‘Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children (mature SONS in the Greek - huiosthesia) by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.’
This expression of real life that was shown to the three disciples in the high place with God, was not to be spoken about until AFTER the resurrection. The veil had to torn first so that the way into the Holiest would be open. What was being demonstrated at the top of the mountain — the ‘Holiest-of-all walk’ —would then become available for ‘whomsoever’. It would be His resurrection life that would be the enabling for such a walk. It would then be ‘their present truth’ that they would be established in.; whether they ‘came back’ like Moses and Elijah or were ‘changed.’
Matthew 17:6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
It wasn’t just the voices that touched them, it was the terminology that God used for they would most certainly have known its meaning having heard of Jesus’ adoption at His baptism by John the Priest. You notice that they fell on their face when they heard "IT" not "Him"!!! This statement was therefore a tremendous shock to their natural thinking! They saw that they were included with the Lord . . . that they were right then one Spirit with Him. They were still human and thus became very afraid for they heard things they were taught were not lawful to hear — just like Paul heard in II Corinthians 12:1-3. They too would learn after the resurrection and ascension had taken place, that such enabling was released to them and us through the whole calvary experience of Jesus.
How did they manage to keep quiet about it until the resurrection power was released to bring it all to pass? Had they shared it, a whole discourse would have been launched on a spiritual matter which could not be solved by educated thinking or natural reasoning. These things came to Peter, James and John BY REVELATION. They will likewise come to us in exactly the same way.
Matthew 17:7 And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise,and be not afraid.
Jesus initiated this time of unveiling and now He comes to conclude it and to touch them and thus remove their fears. He told them to "Arise’ as they were possibly still face down overcome with the awe and privilege of the occasion.
Matthew 17:8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.
They looked up and Jesus was right there with them again. Could it be that they had learned to see others in the spirit? Jesus was very real to them; did they see Him as a man! We know Him no more after the flesh, but after the spirit. So many only want to see Jesus as He was upon the earth some 2000 years ago. ‘As He is, so are we in this world’ (John 4:17) . . . this does not read ‘as He was’!
In conclusion, let us read . . .
II Corinthians 5:1-6
2 Cor 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 Cor 5:2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: A house is where one dwells or abides like abiding under the shadow of the Almighty!
2 Cor 5:3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
Do you recall how that Adam and Eve discovered that they were naked ?
2 Cor 5:4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Clothed with the Light . . . the Shekinah glory of the Holiest of All which has been opened to us by Jesus will simply contain us.
2 Cor 5:5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. The release via the baptism of the Holy Spirit — our personal Pentecost — is the guarantee of our transfiguration . . . but every man in his own order.
2 Cor 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: one is ‘at home’ in the body when the reasoning minds of our Eve control our lives. At such a time, the Lord’s thinking is absent from our lives.
May we each one so yield to the individual dealings of the six ‘days’.
‘Keep our hearts, Lord Jesus, hungering and thirsting
after Righteousness . . .which is You’ §
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