Monday, May 12, 2008

Enthralled Empiricism

The Terms Enthralled & Empiricism

The term "empiricism" has a dual etymology. It comes from the Greek word εμπειρισμός, the Latin translation of which is experientia, from which we derive the word experience. It also derives from a more specific classical Greek and Roman usage of empiric, referring to a physician whose skill derives from practical experience as opposed to instruction in theory.[1]

  1. 1 ^ a b Sini, Carlo (2004), "Empirismo", in Gianni Vattimo et al. (eds.), Enciclopedia Garzanti della Filosofia.
  2. ^ Markie, P. (2004), "Rationalism vs. Empiricism" in Edward D. Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Eprint.

Now we have brought up Rationalism, so before I can even finish the "whats it all about" for this post, I gotta move on to the days' "real" & "reality"